Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Some things to be grateful for...

On my way back from lunch today, I consciously chose to notice things to be thankful for; here are a few things I noticed:
- fast food lunch places - they allow us to get lunch quickly when we don't have a lot of time, and for the people who work there to prepare, cook, and serve the food, take the money, clean-up the place, and for the suppliers who provide everything needed to do the same
- drive-thru lanes - they allow us the convenience of ordering, paying, and receiving our lunch right from our car
- lane markings on streets - they clearly identify which way we should drive and mark "our share" of the road
- stop signs - and other roadway signs - they provide protection, instruction, and guidance while using any form of transportation
- railroads - the tracks provide a reliable avenue (without stop signs!) for trains to move materials and supplies across the city or across the country! And for the people who operate trains and train depots
- parks - for providing a safe place for birds and squirrels to live, a playground for kids to play, a path for people to walk, benches to sit and enjoy the nature around you, grass and trees to add beauty to the landscape
- cars and vehicles that provide ways to travel around town or the country - so much easier than walking!
- for power poles and telephone poles that provide an organized way for electrical wires to be directed to bring their power to us, and for power stations that convert raw energy into consumable energy, and the people who work there
- schools that provide a place for children and adults to learn and grow together, and for the support staff and teaching staff who create and organize these opportunities
- good bosses - great places to work - for they give us a sense of peace about our jobs knowing they appreciate what we do and that we have their support
- photographs of our children - they give us moments in time caught of those special to us so we can enjoy "being with them" anytime we look at their picture
- paved road surfaces - makes it much easier and cleaner for traveling
- sidewalks - makes it much safer for people to walk alongside the road
- fences - protect people and animals in addition to identifying property or boundary lines, helps keep order
- pet cemeteries - provides a beautiful peaceful place for people to put their beloved pets to rest when they make their transition, and for the people who care for the property and help the people make good choices for their deceased pet
- people cemeteries and other methods of providing for the deceased - provides a place for deceased loved ones and friends and others to be laid to rest where their graves can be visited if desired (even though their spirits are no longer of this earth), and for the people who care for cemetaries and manage the processes of caring for the deceased
- random acts of kindness shown by others to us unexpectedly

There's more to be sure, but this is just a smattering of what has gone through my mind in the past few minutes when consciously focusing on being grateful.
What else can you think of to be grateful for?


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